200 Cannot connect to the Palladium server at this time. Please try again later. 201 Cannot find Palladium server information. Please run the browser setup. 202 Your browser is open. Please close your browser and go online again. 203 Illegal execution: Run only from Palladium product. 204 Cannot find your browser location information. Please run the browser setup. 205 Cannot find or run your browser. Please run the browser setup. 206 Connecting to the Palladium server... 207 You are already online. To start over, you must first close your browser. 208 If you are still connected to your service provider, you may hang up now. 209 Disconnecting from the Palladium server... 210 If you are using a manual dialer, you must dial up your service provider now, before you hit the OK button (otherwise hit OK now).